Monday 29 April 2024

Eurovision 2024: The First Impression: Malta


First Thoughts:

There are a few entries every year that you know from the day they win their national final that their destiny (no pun intended) is predetermined.

'Loop' was chosen by a very abnormal 82% Jury - 18% Public vote system to represent Malta in a 100% Public vote Semi - Final...

Getting the opening slot makes little difference and Malta will be long forgotten by the time we reach Italy, Israel and Netherlands.

The only doable goal for this year would be to avoid the last place in the Semi - Final but even that is a tough ask.

Malta historically suffers with the Public vote and in a loaded Semi - Final like this one there is simply no way to find the points needed.

Maybe it is time to try a different approach next year.

Televoting Potential: 3/10

Jury Potential: 6/10

Staging Potential: 6/10

Momentum: 3/10

My Opinion: 5/10

Total: 23/50

What the fair winning chance % would be?


Best case scenario:

Avoid last place in Semi - Final

Worst case scenario:

Last place in Semi - Final

Pre-Contest estimated points:

SF: 0-15

What do I see in my crystal ball?

Malta finishing last in Semi - Final with seven points...

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